Saturday, February 16, 2008

I can't be everything to everyone!

I am the type of person that tries to please everyone. Unfortunately, I will let somebody down if I do this too much. I can not stand to be late. I would rather be an hour early than one minute late. Today I was in two places at one time. I needed to be in three places at one time. Drew and Luke both had basketball games at nine-o'clock at different gyms. I watched Luke's first half while Paige watched Drew's first half. At halftime we switched. Luke's team won, but Drew's team lost. I had agreed to meet a customer at work by nine too. They came from forty-five minutes away. They actually showed up early, and waited.....for an hour. They left very angry. Once I got to work the customer called. They let me know how much they were disappointed. I thought I was being a good Dad, going and watching my boys play ball. I was hoping my customer would be delayed by the rain. So instead of being responsible, and not trying to be in three places or even calling the customer, I let someone down. It didn't really hurt me too bad because the customer is so mad at me they will not be back. It cost me money for losing a sale. I didn't hurt or disappoint my family, or did I? How many times a day do I let down God? Even when I have good intentions.

1 comment:

Brook said...

If you try to please everybody, you will end up pleasing nobody. Wouldn't it be great if we had superhero powers like the cartoons our boys watch. We could just split up and go to all three places.